If you are 18-25 years old (even if you have already fullfilled your military obligations) you can carry out the Voluntary Civil Service with the University Association for International Cooperation (AUCI) in Italy and abroad in Developing Countries.

AUCI (within the national coordination of volunteers in the world- FOCSIV) interprets civil service as a concrete experience of international solidarity which aims to stimulate a sense of active citizenship in young volunteers. This is the spirit that we want to remain at the basis of the commitment of those who, subsequently, will work in the sectors of the protection and promotion of children and women, social health, intercultural education, and international cooperation, in Italy and abroad.

AUCI offers young people who decide to do civil service an educational experience and, for personal growth, it is in fact an opportunity to test themselves and to strengthen their technical and professional skills with respect to the project scope and knowledge of the North-South issues.

Through the active projects in Italy, you will have the opportunity to contribute to the development and strengthening of the activities carried out in the national territory.

By choosing a project abroad in developing countries, young people will be able to engage as operators of international solidarity as part of the ‘White Helmets’ project, which AUCI is a part of, as associated with FOCSIV, together with Pope John XXIII Community Association, Caritas Italiana and Gavci. The ‘White Helmets’ are volunteers involved in areas of social conflict, in processes that promote peace, the overcoming of conditions that generate injustice, and the protection of human rights.

If you would like to take part in this experience, choose whatever is suitable for you from our projects, in Italy or abroad, and send us your application.

For more information on the National Civil Service consult the official website For information on how to proceed with the application consult the Guida per la compilazione della Domanda On-Line

Here is the list of AUCI projects in Italy and abroad that are looking for volunteers:





Deadline: Questions must be sent no later than 14.00 on 10th February 2023. 



On 15th December the 2022 civil service call for the selection of volunteer operators was published on the website and is to be read with great attention.

Applications can be submitted before 14.00 on 10th February 2023.

The requirements to participate in the call are as follows:

  • Italian citizenship, citizenship in one of the other member states of the European Union, or from a country outside the European Union as long as the candidate is a legal resident in Italy;
  • To have completed the eighteenth year of age and not have exceeded the twenty-eighth (28 years and 364 days) on the date of submission of the application;
  • To not have been sentenced, even if it is not final, to the penalty of imprisonment of more than one year for an innocent or unintentional crime or to a penalty, even if of a lesser extent, for a crime against the person or concerning the possession, use, port, transport, import or illicit exportation of weapons or explosive materials, or for crimes relating to or belonging to aiding and abetting subversive, terrorist or organized crime groups.


Applications are also open to young people who:

  • In the course of 2021, due to the effects of the epidemiological emergency from Covid-19, they cut short their service voluntarily or because the project in which they were engaged was definitively cut short by the institution,
  • Cut short the Civil Service at the conclusion of a sanctioning procedure at the expense of the entity that caused the revocation of the project, or due to the closure of the project or place of implementation upon a reasoned request from the entity, on condition that, in all cases, the period of the service provided did not exceed six months;
  • Cut short the national or universal Civil Service due to the excess of 10 days of illness, on the condition that the period of service did not exceed 6 months;
  • Have already carried out civil service as part of the European experimental project International Volunteering Opportunities for All and as part of the projects for the Civil Peace Corps;
  • Have already carried out the “regional civil service”.


Applications are not open to young people who:

  • Belong to the military and police forces;
  • Have cut short the national or universal Civil Service before the set deadline;
  • At the time of the publication of this notice, entertain work relations/collaborations which are paid in any capacity with an entity that owns a project, or has had such relationships lasting more than three months in the 12 months preceding the date of the publication of the notice; paid internships are also included in these cases.


Other additional requirements specified in the individual projects can be added to these requirements (it is essential to read the project sheets carefully).

On the websites of the Department and the Guide for the completion and presentation of the Online Application with the DOL platform is disponsible

Starting this year, it will be possibile to apply exclusively online through the dedicated DOL platform (, accessible via PC, smartphone, and tablet, through the PDIS (Public Digital Identity System).
To apply through the PDIS it is necessary to have a valid identity document, health insurance card, email address, and phone number (information and applications are available on
Young foreigners who cannot apply through PDIS, may request temporary access credentials directly for the department.

The DOL platform, which allows you to fill in the application form and submit it, has a principle page “Applications for participation” structured in 3 sections (1- Project; 2- Data and declarations; 3- Qualifications and experiences) and with a button “submit the application”.

Young people will be able to identify their preferred chosen project through a specific search engine and fill in the application, only one can be chosen for the whole call. The system will let you know in real-time how many applications have already been received for each project, so that the choice can also be more considered, reducing the dispersion of applications on projects with a high number of applications but few places.

It will be important to pay attention to the moment of the final submission of application because no modifications or withdrawals can be made after. However, before this step, you can repeatedly save the data, verify the correctness of the compilation and then proceed with the application only when you are sure. An email receipt will confirm to the person that the application has been submitted.

Attached is the summary of the SCU FOCSIV Selection System, with the criteria taken into consideration for the purpose of evaluating the applications.

For info:

Communication with the Italian headquarters: For each of the provided locations of the chosen project, the possibility for young volunteers to contact the Italian offices through the usual means of communication is foreseen and guaranteed: email, Skype, and telephone. For this purpose, we will refer both to the places of the project and, where possible, the abroad residence facility of the volunteers. In Italy, a person of contact will accompany the volunteers during their training and then will also act as an additional reference and accompaniment during their stay abroad.

Return to Italy: The White Helmets project provides the possibility of a return to Italy approximately halfway through the project, for the purpose of evaluating the progress of activities, the personal growth of the volunteer and the dissemination of the project on the national territory. Any intermediate return will be agreed between the OLP of the project site abroad and the person in charge of each indiviudal intervention in Italy. If the site does not plan to allow the intermediate return of the volunteer in the project, this information will be communicated to the volunteer before the project starts. The project implementation times will therefore be:

  • Start of service;
  • General training and Specific Training in Italy; preparation of documents (Visas, Aeroplane Tickets; Vaccinations) between 20 and 40 days;
  • Departure abroad;
  • Specific Training on site within the first 90 days;
  • Any intermediate trip about halfway through the project to monitor the activities carried out;
  • Final return to Italy during the last month of service;